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install jupyter Notebook without anaconda, [Minimum Installation], Add python and R kernel

If you want to use jupyter notebook with python and R but don't want to install Resource consuming anaconda IDE Here is what you need. in this post i'm going to intall Python, R and Jupyter Notebook directly from your windows command prompt.

Step 1. Install Python3

Go on to the site download the latest binary and keep clicking next, next and next (Do not forget to note your installation directory for python)

Step 2. Check your python insallation by opening CMD

Open Run type "cmd" (Hit Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open in admin mode)
type "python" you will see the python interpreter (fun fact: type "import this")
type "exit()" to exit interpreter
To install jupyter notebook type python -m pip install notebook (command Requires Administrative privilege's)

you can add other library also to install like python -m pip install notebook numpy pandas matplotib seaborn

if you see error 'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
you can search click and check any site there are lots of tutorial out there


Step 3. Install R

go to the site
Download R for Windows
install R for the first time.
Download R 4.x.x for Windows once Downloaded open exe file.

Don't Forget to choose  64-bit version

Step 4. Check your R insallation

Open windows command prompt type "R" you will see R interpreter 

if you see error 'R' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
you can search click and check any site there are lots of tutorial out there

Step 5. Add R kernel in Jupyter Notebook

In R interpreter type "install.packages('IRkernel')"

Then type "IRkernel::installspec()" you are done.

Step 6. Open Jupyter notebook

Now open Run type "jupyter notebook" select R kernel fron New Once new notebook starts

start programming and change the world!
